Dear Parents and Carers,

Another whirlwind fortnight has flown by and I have had the privilege of teaching all classes across the school which has given me a valuable and very informative insight into the strengths and 'even better if's' of learning in all year groups. Lots of staff training has happened over the past couple of weeks - we have had the Read Write Inc Phonics advisor in, the Ilsham English Hub advisor in, training in Sustaining Maths Mastery from the Jurassic Maths Hub and whole staff training from the Teacher of the Deaf.  Teachers are always learning and it is important that we have all the tools possible to ensure that all our children, whatever their learning needs, achieve their full potential.


Huge thanks to all those who organised, helped and supported the wonderful Apple Day Fayre last weekend.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend but by all accounts it was a roaring success.  A big shout out must go to Matt Morgan who planned  and organised the whole day, the rest of the PTFA who helped set up, manned the stalls and cleared up at the end and to Mr Narramore and Miss Wood who helped tirelessly the whole day. The money raised will go towards the upkeep of our swimming pool.  The next PTFA event will be at Bampton Fair and I am sure they would be delighted if anyone is able to help them on the day.  Please let Anna Edwards know.


We had a fabulous day with Mossy Crow theatre troupe last week.  The whole school enjoyed their performance and workshops throughout the day and their message that we should put down our phones and electronic devices and notice the natural world around us was very well received.  Many thanks again to the PTFA for funding this.


As I write, Squirrel class are preparing for their trip out this week to Tiverton Museum to learn about our shopping habits from the past.  Next week, year 6 children will be attending a Tennis Tournament at Tiverton HIgh School and Fox Class children will be visiting Cheddar Gorge as part of their Stone Age history topic.  These experiences are so important in shaping children's enthusiasm for learning and I am delighted that we can offer so many of these at Bampton.


We're not just here for the children and Hannah Gleeson started her weekly Coffee Club for any parents or carers who would like to have a chat or just catch up with her.  I know she would be delighted to see you on Thursdays at 2.45 so please do drop in.


Please see below this weeks attendance percentages for each class

Hedgehog Class 92.7%
Squirrel Class 91.1%
Fox Class 95.2% 
Stag Class 90.6%



A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.


After School Clubs


Choir Club run by Mr Narramore for KS1 & KS2  - Book via the school app


No Clubs


PE skills and drill run by Mr McCutcheon for KS2 - Book via the school app


No Clubs


Woodland School run by Mrs Newman R, KS1, KS - Book via the school app
  • 8th October - Tiverton High School Year 6 open evening
  • 21st October - Reception vision screening
  • 21st October - Fox Class trip to Cheddar Gorge
  • 21st - 22nd - October Year 5 bikeability
  • 24th October - Harvest festival 2pm
  • 25th October - Non pupil day
  • 28th October - 1st November Half term
  • 4th November - Return to school
Results coming soon

Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.

Good luck everyone!

Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:

Hedgehog and Field mice children have been learning all about their senses as part of our ‘All About Me’ topic.  We had a lovely senses day in which we tasted, smelled and touched various items, and decided whether we like them or not.  The room smelled divine afterwards!  We have also continued our phonics learning and subitising in maths.


Squirrel Class:

demonstrated the character virtues confidence and friendliness at Tiverton Museum. We enjoyed a morning workshop on ‘Shopping in the Past’. We were proud of the children who were very polite to museum staff and visitors. We all had 12p in old money to do grocery shopping as if we were in the 1950s. In Maths Year 2s have been partitioning numbers and getting very speedy at our daily Tough Tens. Year 1 have started their Tough Tens this week using Rekenreks for support and adding 1 to any number given between 1 and 10.


Fox Class:

We've had a fantastic fortnight in Fox Class! The children thoroughly enjoyed our visit from Mossy Crow, especially getting creative with their clay 'wild twins'. In Maths, we've been exploring number lines and practising our estimating skills. In English, we're busy crafting narrative descriptions, building on everything we've learnt in literacy over the past two weeks. In Science, we’ve been focusing on the bones in the human body, especially the bones in the hand – you might have seen our lively dance in the celebration assembly last week!


Stag Class:

In Stag class this week we have moved on from studying place value to starting our work on the four operations of maths: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Our focus at the moment is on fluency, making sure we are able to do the basic tasks almost without thinking about them. We have set ourselves targets to improve and we are using programs such as Numbots or TT Rockstars to help us build up our speeds. The more practice the better so please encourage your children to practise a little at home as well!


Charlie in Hedgehog Class

For showing the character virtues of resilience and motivation. Charlie has made great progress in all areas, particularly with his communication.  Charlie has made lots of new friends and adults enjoy hearing his stories.  Well done Charlie, keep it up!


Effie in Hedgehog Class

For showing the character virtue of motivation and citizenship.  Effie has shown real focus in class this week, leading the way in discussions and phonics.  She has also made an effort to help more with tidying up which is very helpful and polite.  Well done Effy!


William in Squirrel Class

For demonstrating the character virtues of resilience and determination. We have been very impressed with your commitment to learning your spellings in Year 2. This year we have also noticed how you are working much more independently in maths and are able to explain how to solve problems using your reasoning skills. Well done William, keep it up!


George in Squirrel Class

For showing the character virtues of determination and motivation. This week George has got 10 out of 10 in all his morning Tough Tens. He has been a really good example to others in PE, modelling the games with staff and helping younger children with their throwing and catching skills.


Eleanor in Squirrel Class

For showing the character virtue of confidence and courage. We have noticed that Eleanor is settling into her morning task quicker every day. Throughout the day Eleanor is always engaged in her learning, she puts up her hand and has impressed us with her contributions and is making excellent progress in Maths and English.


Brayden in Fox Class

Brayden has shown the character virtues of kindness and caring by making sure that all the children felt included and understood what they were doing when Mossy Crow were in.


Isaak in Fox Class

Isaak has shown the character virtues of motivation and confidence by singing in front of the whole school when Mossy Crow were in


Sreevind in Stag Class

Sreevind has made a wonderful start to life at Bampton School, and indeed, England. He has joined us from India and is working really hard on improving his English and has already made several friends who are helping him to settle in.


Patrick in Stag Class

He has been an absolute star so far this term as he has been spotted on numerous occasions in class, in PE and at playtime helping others. I really hope he knows his kindness hasn't gone unnoticed and how much we all appreciate this!

Well done Everybody


The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.

We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.

We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.

If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.

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